Like everything today, a good marketing strategy makes all the difference between a successful business and one that may be slipping. If there are a lot of home service companies in your area, staying ahead of the curve is nearly entirely dependent on a good SEO marketing strategy — and if you don’t have an online presence at all, there’s a good chance that you’re missing out on a huge part of the market.
Your Success Relies on Being Found
Your company needs to have an online presence to be found. Gone are the days when you could find a phone book anywhere, flip it open, and find the category you needed. Now, our phonebooks are in our pockets, and to find a company, their SEO has to be spot on. Most people — over 90% — won’t even look at the second page of search results, and many won’t even look past the first five listings.
Using Local Keywords Is a Must
For you to be found locally, you must get Google to understand your location and use your keywords correctly. Your location page, or the page talking about your business, should have a few important things for optimization:
- More than 500 words
- Unique copy that’s not repeated elsewhere
- Mention the location, including city, state, and region
- Use a descriptive URL
This isn’t an exhaustive list, but it’s an important one.
Write for Your Audience
You should also have some content on your page that isn’t just service pages. Search engines love blogs, and while you may not be an award-winning author, getting your personality across to your audience is important.
Contact Busy Bee Media for Your Marketing Needs
Home service marketing” data-wpil-keyword-link=”linked” data-wpil-monitor-id=”153″>Home service marketing can seem daunting, but our skilled team can help your business pop. With our targeted digital campaigns, your business can realize its full potential. Get started with Busy Bee Media today.