Avoid These “Black Hat” Practices

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Avoid These “Black Hat” Practices

When it comes to getting your business to thrive through online marketing practices, there are some practices you should avoid at all costs. These are known as “black hat” marketing practices, and they can harm your attempts at SEO. Keep your business on the right side of Google and other search engines by making sure you don’t commit any of these internet marketing mistakes.

Violating the Search Engine’s Terms

Nearly every search engine you could target has rules that must be followed. The consequence of breaking these rules is your business’s ranking will suffer. Black hat marketing tactics and rule violations may not have the same intentions, but they have the same consequences – your website won’t rank as high as you want. 

Keyword Stuffing

Don’t fill your content with irrelevant keywords to try and boost your rankings. Content should be easy and fun to read, with keywords added where they fit. Make your text flow naturally, and avoid being too repetitive or disruptive.

Automatically Generated Content

With AI writing tools becoming increasingly popular, it’s more important than ever to ensure that your page’s content is authentic and written by humans. AI is notorious for wrong information; even if it reads well, it can’t be personal. And personalization is a key component of keeping your audience engaged.


If you’re “cloaking” your content, it means you’re showing your readers something different from what you’re showing the search engines. This is a practice used heavily by spam sites, which you do not want your business to be associated with. 

Stay Safe — Contact Busy Bee Media

One surefire way to avoid black hat practices is to have a team of professionals handle your online marketing strategies for you. At Busy Bee Media, we know how to help you boost your SEO game by gaining organic, interested traffic. Contact us today.